Saturday, May 1, 2010

Song Mantras for Fun and Profit

Song mantras for fun and profit. Haha. I say that with a laugh in my voice, but it really works.
Here's what I did and how it made me feel.
It all started with a sinking feeling of someone's supposed authority over me. I have always shriveled at authority. That sinking feeling when I would hear, "Could you come into my office?" Oooh. Or, a mid manager type starting a sentence with, "Good job on that report...." They must be taught this at the school district: When delivering bad news, start with a compliment first. My hubby completely accepts criticism. I am devastated. But as a mature baby boomer, I have learned to handle it with graciousness, I hope, at least on the outside.
The other day, someone I deemed as a pain, but I would have to deal with regularly, spoke to me in such a way as to inflict her authority. When I told her of my request, she responded with, "I will let you know when that can happen," with full-on alpha female tone and eyebrows raised. With that stance taken, I completely yielded and felt rebuked.
On the edge of a minor depression (really minor), I added more nastiness. Just thinking of her made me think of a few other gal pals that had faded away or dismissed me in some way. It all jabbed away at my brain cells and felt like a nasty drug habit of "fear and loathing." What was the payoff for feeling rejected?

I didn't wanna do it, I didn't wanna do it.
I really wanted to rise above and put my philosophy of "thoughts are things, and my thoughts are the blue prints to the outside world" to practice!
So, in the shower I started to sing, "I'm gonna wash those gals right out of my hair, I gonna wash those gals right out of my hair....and send them on their way...." What better place to begin a new singing mantra phenomenon!
After I started feeling better, because, singing does always make one feel better, I realized I was using the negative lyric. That couldn't stand too long. So the positive lyric became a much better ditty/affirmation.
I'm gonna wave good friends right into my hair, I'm gonna wave good health right into my hair, I'm gonna wave great cash right into my hair. And feel God's loving Plan....
Oh, this was beauty on all sides.
Try it, you'll like it. Any tune will do.

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