Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It Could Have Been Stopped at the Ticket Counter!

So now there are new and stringent security processes in place so it will be safer to fly. HA!!! Ridiculous techniques. No going potty, no blanky, hands on your laps. Doesn't it sound just like creepy public school. I feel the same way I did after 9-11. And that is the cliche "closing the barn door after the cows have fled." We must take the stylus from your PDA because you're going to hijack the plan and fly it into a building if we don't.
Lets go back in time to the ticket counter. Mr. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab wants to buy a one way ticket with cash. It could have been stopped there. His own father called the American Embassy in Nigeria to say his son was dangerous and should be put on the no fly list. It could have been stopped then. An older, well-dressed Indian man states to the person at the ticket counter that this young man doesn't have a passport and wants to buy his ticket for him. It could have been stopped then.
Why isn't anyone addressing this issue instead of harassing nonviolent, innocent passengers who just want to get from one place to another without destroying the infidels? It could have been stopped right there at the ticket counter.
He never would have gotten on the plane in the first place. Why are the feds and the expensive government program that treats us like bad children and prisoners all at the same time not just going straight to the ticket counter and gosh darn it, profiling the people who are getting on planes. The cute family flying to Disneyworld is not a danger. The blond, 25 year old young woman should not be harrassed. Even the very white business man traveling alone should not be harassed. We need sharp suspicious people at the ticket counter eyeing the very ripe suspects right there. Hello, ticket seller if a person has no passport, a one way ticket, cash, on a least one suspect list...isn't that who is a danger? Why aren't the people behind the counter being told to be completely suspicious. And whatever the TSA is putting into place, it will never find something in someone's crotch with a complete pat down. Here is one time I am in utter agreement with the ACLU.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Message from the Grave (or is it facebook?)

It's been 13 years since my mom died, and I finally feel like going to her grave site on its own merit, without the inevitable push of another loved one's funeral. She would have been 89 on the 12th of December, so I enlisted my cousin because she brings the flowers and the polish and the weed trimmer so everything is just so while we stand and have a memory or two of our moms, dads, grandparents. It's quite the revelation that I want to go on this maiden voyage, though we are definitely frequent fliers at the Mt. Sinai Cemetery. There have been times where I've gone to a couple of funerals in a week. We could spend a day there with our entire family. Lots of memories.
But what triggered this blog is the funny thing that happened on facebook shortly after I set the date with my cousin. One of our family member's last name is Shulman. I wasn't planning on visiting their grave sites, hadn't even thought of it, though Aunty is buried there, next to her beloved husband who died suddenly many years before her. He was my dad's favorite uncle and I remember the day we got the phone call because I walked into the dining room and my dad was crying. It seemed years and years in my young life between that uncle's death and my dad's death. But it was only 3 years. Of course, I only realized it when I saw the headstone's engraving as an adult, a mother, a total grown-up. I was kind of shocked how relativity plays its cunning games on the mind of the young. It was almost like reliving the incident of learning as a 20 year old that my sick rat did not go off to a rat ranch, but to permanent sleep. (See earlier blog on the pets I've had)
But I digress. So, I set the date to go to Mt. Sinai with my cousin, and then get on my fancy social networking page of facebook and see with joy that one of my friends commented on my blog entry. Yeah.
She wanted to know how to get a blog going. So I put in the link, and those floaty looking words come up to make sure I'm not a spammer or something. But this time the words have meaning. They float in front of my eyes and say Shulman Grave.
I guess it's time to give Aunty Bertha and Uncle Abe a visit.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mad Men is addicting

Mad Men is addicting, especially on a rainy Saturday afternoon with nothing but the TV and presents to wrap. The wrapping was me entwined in the lives of the girdled, pointy brassiered women and the hard drinking, cigarette smoking, chauvinistic men. Whew, what a wild ride. Because I was alone I had the freedom to yell at that TV, "Stay away from her, you creep," or "Make them pay you for your copy, you fool!" or "He's married!" Those stupid lusty men. Those easy, easy women.
Nothing's really changed much, has it, except the cigarette smoke and women who have gotten more promotions and have become bosses themselves. Men are still lusty, women are still easy.
Tiger Woods, you a fool, just like those Mad Men.
I am just old enough to remember some of the styles and a bit of the sexual harassment. I started a job in 1967 in a dentists' office and everyone smoked. Every operatory, waiting room and lab all had ash trays. The lab tech called me a mental virgin. Daily. Hourly.
The idiot. Almost every time I'd walk into the lab to mix the pink germicide for the instruments or to mix some dental goo, I'd get an earful of how I looked and how much I probably wanted It. He annoyed me and as I think about it now, I should have told him to shut up, but I never did. Why? For the same reason the women in Mad Men just accept their fate as sexual conquests and permanent lower level skills to serve and answer phones?
Mad Men is a soap opera just as all the present day hour long dramas tend to be. Even LOST has that melodrama lingering in its pseudo sci fi philosopical meanderings. Yes, even Burn Notice and this new one I like, White Collar, though cleverly disguised as thrilleresque- good- guy- bad- guy capers, its there, the heartbreak of unrequited love, the manipulation of the Alpha Male, the sexual reek of sheer naughtiness. And we love it.
I can't wait to get my hands on the next three disks. Where are they? Don't let me down Netflix.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thank You, Anne, for the Perspective

Watching Diary of Anne Frank last night gave me so much perspective on what real fear, problems and challenges are. When I was 10 and my sister 14, our mom took us to see the movie. As we sat in the dark, from the first scene, my mother cried. I'm sure I cried at one point or another during that movie. I fell in love with the beautiful Milly Perkins and I got the book and read it several times during my teenage years.
The first time I traveled to Amsterdam, I toured the Frank House where they lived in hiding for over 2 years. My day was entombed in the grim reality of what happened to those innocent people and the millions of others who were imprisoned, tortured and perished in abject suffering. Thank God Anne's father survived to have the book published to spread its message throughout the world.
Seeing the movie again last night made me feel silly about the worry I have over the present political administration and congress. As much of a business nazi as Barack Obama is, we will be able to vote him out in 4 years. There are those that will take offense at the use of the word "nazi" for how I describe this president, but I do combine it with the word "business." Because he and congress are murdering business in this country. By heavily taxing the rich, wanting to build the economy from the bottom up, by taking over the banking industry, the auto industry, the college loan industry, and the health industry, not to mention that he has appointed 20 more czars than any other President, one of which is a Salary Czar!!! Barack Obama is killing off the private sector of this country. These take-overs do not even include the Cap and Trade (TAX) program he wants in place, the power of the EPA threatening business to either pay huge taxes or replace their entire way of creating business to stop climate change, the hypocrites at Copenhagen who will further crush business for the sake of saving the planet from global warming, (Do these people ever wonder how our planet emerged from ice ages without humans around? Do they ever realize how old this planet is and what it's gone through? ) and the results of this new bill that congress passed in the house to dismantle businesses that seem risky, plus the debt ceiling that congress just passed to 100% of our GDP. Thank you, Joe Lieberman.
By watching and analyzing The Diary of Anne Frank last night I have the perspective to know we will not be sent to concentration camps or have the horror of war on our home land. It's only money. We will get through this. However, the results of all of this regulation and control from our lawmakers will cause everone's budgets to only afford the basics. The cost of food, energy and the taxes to cover our deficit, which has tripled since Obama became President, will diminish the amount of money that goes to make real jobs out there. (Hello college students who think budget cuts are bad now, where do the taxes come from to pay for these things? Private Sector Jobs) Incentive, Money, Jobs and the one legitimate government run program, the military, are what makes this country great, not bloated senators or congressman, or a President who is so arrogant he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize having done nothing to earn it except talk. Yes, I will be grateful for this country and stop worrying so much about the economy because of Anne Frank, but hurry up 2012!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Evironmentalists are evil, let me count the ways

Environmentalists are evil. Not that stopping manufacturers from poisoning rivers is evil. That's good. But environmentalists have stopped oil drilling of our own oil, stopped the building of power plants and oil refineries, have stopped the building of more freeways, of having business centers close to bedroom communities, and consider the air we human beings breathe out is a poison. All of this is coming from me to you because of a sound bite I heard yesterday saying that sitting on clogged freeways could lead to brain cancer and buy studying brain cancer in rats who breathe the kind of air we breathe from sitting on clogged freeways will lead to better REGULATION. And it's not going to be regulation of environmentalists, I tell you! So if we go back to first square of environmentalists stopping business centers from living areas, you must have commute drives. By stopping the building of more freeways, you have more clogged freeways. By having tons of cars stopped on a freeway, you have more pollution.
I think environmentalists have caused as many problems if not more, by thinking they are smarter than God, the Creator. Let's start with fluorescent bulbs. They may use a small amount of energy...duh, not enough energy plants being built have led to energy shortages... but they have mercury in them and they are also bad for certain health conditions like autistic kids mental states. Those flickering (UGLY) bulbs cause agitation in these children. And according to Energy Star, the EPA's brainchild, they are not even manufactured here in the good old USA, but overseas, which means they have to be shipped here. Hey, great energy savings, huh? Also, the batteries that go along with hybrid cars and solar paneled products are very toxic. And those batteries run out of life and have to be put somewhere. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,333158,00.html So, you think nuclear power plants are clean energy? What about radio active waste? Where does it go?
The regulation is California for Green Clean Environmental businesses has strangled California economy. These are the reasons we have so many budget cuts. Business has left in droves.
Our forests are sick because of environmentalists. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/02/11/environmentalism-killsagain/
So, one little sound bite lead to all of these rantings. As Sonny boy called me, Debby Downer.